Chains of ways with ref='BR381'

ref # of ways dupe
start end length bearing
BR381 1 0 start end 14272 42
BR381 1 0 start end 64015 225
BR381 10 0 start end 221315 34
BR381 1 0 start end 14327 222
BR381 1 0 start end 63994 45
BR381 1 0 start end 51 124
BR381 7 0 start end 219574 214
BR381 1 0 start end 5242 344
BR381 1 0 start end 5255 164
9 chains

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Generated 2010-10-17T22:59:29+01:00 from file /home/harrywood/public_html/waychains/us-motorways-simplified.osm