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Monday, 10. June 2019

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

mengkaji alat alat rumusan togel terjitu

Siapa yang tidak tahu tentang permainan togel?permainan yang sudah tidak asing di telinga para pecinta judi dari masa ke masa.. Permainan judi Togel ialah merupakan permainan yang memprediksi atau menebak angka nomor yang akan keluar dalam pasaran togel yang ada di Singapura. Permainan sudah lama ada dan banyak yang menyukai permainan tebak angka ini dan permainan ini telah banyak orang yang te

Siapa yang tidak tahu tentang permainan togel?permainan yang sudah tidak asing di telinga para pecinta judi dari masa ke masa.. Permainan judi Togel ialah merupakan permainan yang memprediksi atau menebak angka nomor yang akan keluar dalam pasaran togel yang ada di Singapura. Permainan sudah lama ada dan banyak yang menyukai permainan tebak angka ini dan permainan ini telah banyak orang yang telah memainkannya dan menyukai game ini karena game ini dapat memberi kita keuntungan dalam bermain tapi ingat permainan togel ini juga bisa membuat para pemain terbuai dan kalah. Game ini disebut Lotere dan Toto di setiap negara negara menyebutnya yang berbeda beda. Karena hadiah yang lumayan besar menurut kebanyakan orang makanya untuk mendapat kan hadiahny tidak lah terlalul mudah. ini harus duiakui oleh masyarakat itu sendiri. Begitu juga pecinta judi togel yang ada diseluruh dunia.

Maka dari itu para pemain judi togel online dari berbagai togel yang ada di online ataupun bandar offline,mulai mempelajari rumus rumusan agar bisa menebak angka yang akan keluar. dan juga kami dari mainpasti juga menyediakan prediksi rumusan terjitu yang kami racik sedemikian mungkin agar bisa memenangkan jp dari bandar bandar togel online. pertama mungkin anda bisa melihat dari Data SGP

Permainan togel online memiliki pusat yaitu di Singapura untuk membuka pasarannya sehingga dinamakan singapurapools. Banyak orang Indonesia juga ikut bermain dalam permainan judi singapurapools ini tetapi semuanya dimainkan melalui agen darat yang kemudia dibuang ke berbagai agen darat lainnya. Kegiatan permainan perjudian oleh agen darat di Indonesia sangat berbahaya. Karena Indonesia sendiri memiliki undang-undang yang melarang apapun semua kegiatan yang berhubungan dalam perjudian. Jadi bermain dengan agen darat sangat berbahaya bagi para membernya. Karena kita tidak tahu apa yang akan terjadi di kedepannya nanti. Karena bisa saja agen daratnya ditangkap polisi sehingga uang kemenangan kita tidak akan dibayar apabila agennya tertangkap polisi

Bagi Anda yang menyukai Permainan Judi Togel online Anda dapat memasang semua taruhan anda secara online. Karena pada zaman ini teknologi dunia sudah berkembang dengan pesat membuat permainan judi togel ini tersedia dalam bentuk online. Permainan judi togel online ini juga disediakan oleh beberapa situs judi online tepercaya, sehingga Anda dapat memasang taruhan judi Togel dengan nyaman dan aman. Bermain Togel Perjudian Online akan membuat Anda lebih aman karena Anda tidak perlu takut dengan hukum atau oknum yang dibuat oleh pemerintahan yang ada di Indonesia karena anda bisa mengaksesnya ditempat-tempat mana saja yang menurut anda terasa nyaman.

Dan sebelum bacaan ini saya akhiri,kiranya para pemain jangan terlalu terbuai dan tetap bermain aman dan pasti ,dan jadikan kami Mainpastigroup menjadi website acuan prediksi togel anda .

Antiqutäten Ankauf Wien

Antik-Ankauf bietet Ihnen einen seriösen Ankauf von Verlassenschaften in Wien, Niederösterreich und Burgenland. Mit uns an Ihrer Seite können Sie von dem Nachlass profitieren. Bei einer kurzen Besichtigung können wir uns alles genau anschauen und Ihnen ein Preisvorschlag machen. Unser Team übernimmt die komplette Räumung von A-Z. Dabei achten wir immer auf eine umweltfreundliche Entsorgung und f

Antik-Ankauf bietet Ihnen einen seriösen Ankauf von Verlassenschaften in Wien, Niederösterreich und Burgenland. Mit uns an Ihrer Seite können Sie von dem Nachlass profitieren. Bei einer kurzen Besichtigung können wir uns alles genau anschauen und Ihnen ein Preisvorschlag machen. Unser Team übernimmt die komplette Räumung von A-Z. Dabei achten wir immer auf eine umweltfreundliche Entsorgung und fachgerechte Trennung. Vor Ort können wir feststellen ob Gegenstände für eine Wiederverwertung vorhanden sind. Wir rechnen den gesamten Verkaufswert Ihrer Altwaren vor Ort und entziehen diesen von den Räumungskosten weg. Je höher der Wert, desto günstiger wird die Entrümpelung. Selbstverständlich zahlen wir Ihnen auch eine Ablöse gleich in bar an.

J'ai testé pour vous : la cartographie collaborative avec des élèves.

Dans un précédent billet, j’expliquais que la cartographie collaborative sur OpenStreetMap arrivait comme capacité attendue dans le nouveau programme de seconde en SNT.

Je me suis donc dit que j’allais profiter de mes 2 dernières heures de cours avec mes premières STI Développement Durable pour aller cartographier des POI (Point Of Interest) liés au développement durable aux alentours du

Dans un précédent billet, j’expliquais que la cartographie collaborative sur OpenStreetMap arrivait comme capacité attendue dans le nouveau programme de seconde en SNT.

Je me suis donc dit que j’allais profiter de mes 2 dernières heures de cours avec mes premières STI Développement Durable pour aller cartographier des POI (Point Of Interest) liés au développement durable aux alentours du lycée.

L’objectif principal était de tester le bon fonctionnement d’une sortie terrain avec les élèves et être mieux organisé l’année prochaine avec les groupes de secondes.

Création du compte OSM

Après avoir obtenu l’autorisation de la sortie par l’administration et envoyé un message aux élèves pour leur dire de venir avec leur smartphone chargé, j’ai crée un compte classe (en utilisant mon courriel professionnel). Cela a 3 avantages : - ne pas avoir à faire créer des comptes individuels aux élèves, - pouvoir modifier le mot de passe à l’issue de la carto-partie, - faciliter la revue des contributions à posteriori.

Si des élèves souhaitent poursuivre la cartographie, ils pourront eux-mêmes se créer un compte individuel.

En classe Présentation d’OpenStreetMap

Le matin, j’ai consacré une petite heure à présenter OpenStreetMap en utilisant les fonctionnalités de l’ENT pour créer des activités :

L’évolution de la carte OSM entre 2007 et maintenant est toujours intéressante à montrer, ainsi que le live OSM.

Les outils et les applications

J’ai ensuite montré les différentes applications disponibles pour les utilisateurs finaux, mais aussi les contributeurs. J’ai recensé toujours cela sur l’ENT afin que les élèves retrouvent les liens dans leur cahier de texte :

La principale difficulté est de gérer l’hétérogénéité des smartphones des élèves :

  • pas de smartphone : aucun sur mon groupe de 17 élèves
  • pas de 3G/4G : 4 sur 17
  • système iOS (iPhone) : 4 ou 5 sur 17
  • plus beaucoup de batterie, de place restante ou de forfait data.

Ainsi, l’année prochaine, j’ai prévu l’achat de 20 tablettes Android pour les sorties (N.B. : ces tablettes seront bien sûr mutualisées avec d’autres disciplines).

Du coup, seul les élèves ayant un smartphone Android ont installé StreetComplete, un élève a aussi installé OsmAnd.

Pour tous (iOS et Android), ils sont allés sur la carte MapContrib que j’avais préparée, mais aussi sur la carte

La localisation

L’autre paramétrage à faire faire aux élèves est la géolocalisation de leur smartphone. Il faut leur faire comprendre la différence entre la géolocalisation avec la puce GPS (et leur dire que c’est un système américain et aborder Galiléo) et l’usage des réseaux ‘autres’ permettant une géolocalisation approximative mais intéressante quand on est dans un bâtiment. C’est une capacité attendue du programme de SNT.

La sortie terrain

17 élèves pour 3 encadrants, c’était plutôt confortable…

La première étape est de donner le login et mot de passe du compte OSM précédemment crée. Cette étape fut laborieuse et fera partie des points d’amélioration pour l’année prochaine.

Il y a eu globalement peu de contributions vu le nombre d’élèves, voici l’historique du compte.

Toutes les contributions ne sont pas liées au développement durable mais ce n’est pas grave, l’important était de contribuer.

Voici ce que l’on peut retenir de la sortie :

  • StreetComplete est l’application la plus intuitive, en revanche, les téléchargements de quêtes ne sont pas forcément rapides. Il faut donc, avant de sortir, les télécharger…
  • L’ajout de notes OSM (via le point d’exclamation en bas à gauche) de StreetComplete est vraiment très pratique, en revanche, je vais faire remonter l’information au développeur (ticket ici ) car les élèves ne déplacent pas leur marqueur, on se retrouve donc avec des notes dans des bâtiments que l’on risque de ne pas voir par la suite :

  • L’élève qui avait installé OsmAnd a beaucoup contribué car on peut modifier des POI, supprimer, ajouter… c’est plus complet. L’autre avantage, c’est qu’elle fonctionne hors-ligne, elle trouvera facilement sa place sur une tablette dépourvue de 4G.
  • MapContrib ne semble pas trop apprécier les nombreuses couches que j’avais réalisées et affichait des erreurs réseau, il faudra que je vois cela avec son développeur.
  • Les élèves peu motivés durant l’année ne le sont pas plus lors de la sortie, préférant chasser le Pokemon… sur une carte OpenStreetMap ! Information à leur préciser tout de même…
Points d’amélioration pour les prochaines sorties en SNT

Cette sortie m’a permis de valider certains points mais également de mettre en évidence des problèmes. Ainsi, voici quelques pistes d’améliorations pour l’année prochaine :

  • le login et mot de passe devront être donné sur un document papier, avec les procédures pour les applications (papier relevé en fin de paramétrage). Les élèves seront ainsi autonomes sur les appareils.
  • il faudra faire des groupes d’élèves de 2 à 4 élèves, ayant des missions propres (en plus de la cartographie, ils auront une ballade urbaine thématique à réaliser : prise de photos géolocalisées, narration, création d’une carte numérique en aval de la sortie…). Chaque groupe disposera d’au moins une tablette avec OsmAnd (la carte du lieu sera téléchargée en amont), d’un smartphone Android avec StreetComplete et MapContrib. Il faudra donc limiter le plus possible le nombre d’écrans.
  • 2h semble être un temps globalement satisfaisant, 1h30 pourra être court en fonction du lieu.
  • il faudra prendre le temps de bien comprendre les applications en amont, notamment OsmAnd et StreetComplete (contributions et notes avec photos). Ce travail peut se faire en classe.
Pour finir sur un peu d’humour d’élèves :)

Un parc à vélos :

Dommage que StreetComplete ne conserve pas les exifs, on aurait pu connaître, via les métadonnées, le smartphone ayant pris la photo et alerter l’élève :)


Pour ceux qui souhaitent en savoir plus sur OpenStreetMap, voici une émission radio à laquelle j’ai participée : Radio Graf’hit

Wochennotiz Nr. 463

28.05.2019-03.06.2019 Multimapas – eine Kombination vieler historischer, topographischer, Satelliten- und Straßenkarten 1 | © CC BY 4.0 – Instituto Geográfico Nacional de España | © Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap Mitwirkende Mapping Die neueste Version von „How Did You Contribute“ von … Weiterlesen →


Multimapas – eine Kombination vieler historischer, topographischer, Satelliten- und Straßenkarten 1 | © CC BY 4.0 – Instituto Geográfico Nacional de España | © Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap Mitwirkende

  • Die neueste Version von „How Did You Contribute“ von Pascal Neis zeigt nun mit Hilfe von Osmose auch Infos zur Qualität der Edits des Benutzers an.
  • Das Maps-Team von Facebook hat den auf iD-basierenden OSM-Editor „RapiD“ vorgestellt. Er soll es erleichtern, durch Machine Learning automatisch erkannte Objekte zu OSM hinzuzufügen.
  • WiGeoGIS, ein Auftragnehmer der Tankstellenkette OMV, kündigt an, die Tankstellen der Marken OMV, AVANTI, Petrom, FE Trading und EuroTruck in OSM zu verbessern. Siehe dazu auch eine Diskussion auf der Mailingliste Talk (Mai-Archiv, Juni-Archiv).
  • Valor Naram stellt eine überarbeitete Version zum Tagging von changing_table=* zur Abstimmung.
  • Das Team von Maps.Me hat einen Validator für U-Bahnsysteme entwickelt.
  • Simon Poole macht auf der Mailingliste Tagging Vorschläge, wie man auf der Mailingliste mit der steigenden Anzahl an Nachrichten und Proposals umgehen könne (Nabble).
  • In Kasachstan gibt es jetzt eine OSM-Telegram-Gruppe. (Eine für Deutschland gibt es übrigens auch!)
OpenStreetMap Foundation
  • Joost Schouppe berichtet im offiziellen Blog der OSM Foundation über das OSMF-Vorstandstreffen in Brüssel.
  • OpenStreetMap Argentinien hat angekündigt, dass eine lokale SotM, am Samstag, den 27. Juli in Santa Fe stattfinden wird.
Humanitarian OSM
  • HOT berichtet auf seinem Blog über eine experimentelle Version des Tasking Managers, die maschinelles Lernen für verschiedene Aufgaben beinhaltet.
  • Simon Johnson schreibt auf Medium darüber, wie “Big Data” in der humanitären Community oft im Widerspruch zur Idee der “Minimum viable data” steht – der Idee, dass weniger Daten tatsächlich wertvoller sind, weil sie qualitativ besser und leichter zu überprüfen sind.
  • In einem Blogeintrag mit dem Titel Better Bombing with Machine Learning weist Frederik Ramm darauf hin, dass Bildverarbeitungstechnologien/Machine Learning vom Militär zum Bombardement aus der Luft verwendet werden und die OSM-Community darüber nachdenken sollte, ob sie Firmen, die diese Technik für OSM verwenden, so lobpreisen sollte.
  • Richard Fairhust twittert ein Beispiel dafür, wie Lua verwendet wird, um Namen automatisch zu transliterieren, während OSM-Daten für das Rendering verarbeitet werden. Die Nachbearbeitung von OSM-Daten auf diese Weise erübrigt weitgehend die Verwendung vieler Namen:<iso-code> Tags.
  • Es gibt wieder eine neue stabile JOSM Version (15155). Kategoriesymbole und ein Feld zum Filtern der Hintergrundbildeinstellungen wurden hinzugefügt, dynamische Einträge im Menü Hintergrundbilder werden in Untermenüs angezeigt und viele weitere Verbesserungen.
  • Der OsmAnd Online GPS Tracker erhielt die Version 0.5. Neu sind Kontaktsuche, Proxy-Einstellungen, GPS-Einstellungen und aktive Markierungen.
  • Dank v2.0 von Babykarte werden Babys den Weg nicht mehr verlieren. Oder besser gesagt, es wird für Eltern einfacher, kinderfreundliche Einrichtungen zu finden.
Kennst du schon …
  • … OpenTrailView 360, das StreetView für Wanderer?
  • … den spanischen Software-Entwickler Javier Jiménez Shaw, der in Berlin lebt und arbeitet? Er hat viele historische, topographische, Satelliten- und Straßenkarten miteinander kombiniert. Javier hat seine Kartenseite auf Leaflet migriert.[1]
  • … die Karte aller uMap-Karten?
  • … dass der russische Mapper Roman Shuvalov auf Basis von OSM eine „Fahrradkarte der Samara-Region“ erstellte und ein Spiel namens „Generation Streets“ entwickelte, das bei Steam erhältlich ist?
OSM in der Presse
  • BBC Radio 4 versucht in einem Podcast die Frage zu beantworten, ob es mehr Sterne im Universum oder Sandkörner an allen Stränden der Erde gibt. Um die Anzahl der Sandkörner grob zu berechnen, wurde eine OSM-Planet-Datei ausgewertet.
  • Ein Interview mit dem russischen Mapper Ilya Zverev wurde auf Habr veröffentlicht ♦. Er sprach darüber, was er zwei Jahre lang im OSMF Board gemacht hat, warum die amerikanische OSM-Gemeinschaft die freundlichste ist und warum man an Offline-Konferenzen teilnehmen muss. (automatische Übersetzung)
Weitere Themen mit Geo-Bezug
  • Taya Lavrinenko von Mapbox zeigt, wie man eine Karte im Simpsons-Design erstellt.
  • John Murray hat die neueste Version von Rapids AI, einer datenwissenschaftlichen Bibliothek für GPUs, verwendet, um Entfernungen innerhalb von Großbritannien von einem Punkt in wenigen Sekunden zu berechnen.
  • Ein Ausschnitt aus einem bald erscheinenden Buch von Barbara Tversky diskutiert die Frage, was eine gute Karte ausmacht.
  • Eine Marke für Outdoor-Kleidung hat ziemlich dreist versucht, heimlich Eigenwerbung in Wikipedia-Bilder einzubauen. Eine weitere Gefahr, denen freie Plattformen offenbar ausgesetzt sind.
  • Daniel J-H kündigt eine neue Version von RoboSat an, die Straßen und Gebäude in Luftbildern erkennen kann.
  • Der GIScience News Blog von der Uni Heidelberg zeigt ein Dreieck von gemeinsamen Datenquellen und prägt den Begriff „Geographical Shared Data Sources“ (GSDS) für den Bezug auf Shared Data Sources im geografischen Bereich. Mitwirkende und Benutzer sollen dies und weitere Begriffe teilen.
  • berichtet über die wichtigsten Apps für Wassersportler. Die OpenSeaMap spielt dabei eine wichtige Rolle.
Wochenvorschau Wo Was Wann Land Rennes Réunion mensuelle 2019-06-10 ♦ Bordeaux Réunion mensuelle 2019-06-10 ♦ Lyon Rencontre mensuelle pour tous 2019-06-11 ♦ Zürich OSM Stammtisch Zürich 2019-06-11 ♦ Bordeaux Réunion mensuelle 2019-06-11 ♦ Hamburg Hamburger Mappertreffen 2019-06-11 ♦ Wuppertal Wuppertaler Stammtisch im Hutmacher 18 Uhr 2019-06-12 ♦ Leoben Stammtisch Obersteiermark 2019-06-13 ♦ München Münchner Stammtisch 2019-06-13 ♦ Bochum Mappertreffen 2019-06-13 ♦ Berlin 132. Berlin-Brandenburg Stammtisch 2019-06-14 ♦ Montpellier State of the Map France 2019 2019-06-14-2019-06-16 ♦ Essen 5. OSM-Sommercamp und 12. FOSSGIS-Hackingevent im Linuxhotel 2019-06-14-2019-06-16 ♦ Bonn Bonner Stammtisch 2019-06-18 ♦ Lüneburg Lüneburger Mappertreffen 2019-06-18 ♦ Rostock Rostocker Treffen 2019-06-18 ♦ Karlsruhe Stammtisch 2019-06-19 ♦ Leoberdorf Leobersdorfer Stammtisch 2019-06-20 ♦ Rennes Préparer ses randos pédestres ou vélos 2019-06-23 ♦ Bremen Bremer Mappertreffen 2019-06-24 ♦ Montpellier Réunion mensuelle 2019-06-26 ♦ Lübeck Lübecker Mappertreffen 2019-06-27 ♦ Mannheim Mannheimer Mapathons e.V. 2019-06-27 ♦ Düsseldorf Stammtisch 2019-06-28 ♦ Heidelberg Erasmus+ EuYoutH_OSM Meeting 2019-09-18-2019-09-23 ♦ Heidelberg HOT Summit 2019 2019-09-19-2019-09-20 ♦ Heidelberg State of the Map 2019 (international conference) 2019-09-21-2019-09-23 ♦

Wer seinen Termin hier in der Liste sehen möchte, trage ihn in den Kalender ein. Nur Termine, die dort stehen, werden in die Wochennotiz übernommen. Bitte prüfe die Veranstaltung in unserem öffentlichen Kalendertool und korrigiere bitte die Einträge im Kalender, wenn notwendig.

Diese Wochennotiz wurde erstellt von Map-Peter, Nakaner, Rainero, Rogehm, SK53, Silka123, TheFive, derFred, doktorpixel14, geologist.

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries


Gibt es schon eine Aussage wann die Serverprobleme behoben sind. Ich wollte Karten auf mein Garmin laden und habe dies gelesen.

Gibt es schon eine Aussage wann die Serverprobleme behoben sind. Ich wollte Karten auf mein Garmin laden und habe dies gelesen.

Event Planners

Craft Studio Events is an event planner company in Dubai. We organize children events, private events & corporate events in Dubai with best event management services in the UAE.

Craft Studio Events is an event planner company in Dubai. We organize children events, private events & corporate events in Dubai with best event management services in the UAE.

Sunday, 09. June 2019

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries



این‌جا مقصد نیست. آغاز هم نیست. فقط گریزی‌ست برای حرف زدن با خودم، با خودش. با کسی که همواره در من است و با من نیست، و از این روست که “او” خطابش می‌کنم. تکه‌ای هستم جدا شده از چیزی که نمی‌شناسمش. تبعید شده‌ام به زمین انسان‌ها. سیاره‌ام مدت‌هاست که فراموشم کرده است. لااقل بر من بتاب، تا بی‌تابی‌هایم را در تابش خودت ببینی…


🆔 @faryademedad


این‌جا مقصد نیست. آغاز هم نیست. فقط گریزی‌ست برای حرف زدن با خودم، با خودش. با کسی که همواره در من است و با من نیست، و از این روست که “او” خطابش می‌کنم. تکه‌ای هستم جدا شده از چیزی که نمی‌شناسمش. تبعید شده‌ام به زمین انسان‌ها. سیاره‌ام مدت‌هاست که فراموشم کرده است. لااقل بر من بتاب، تا بی‌تابی‌هایم را در تابش خودت ببینی…


🆔 @faryademedad


How Open is OpenStreetMap?

StreetMap yes, but I’m not too sure about the Open bit.

Consider the following:

  1. These Diary Pages are Closed Tight Shut
    The OSM admin unilaterally closed all Diary pages to the outside world on 18 May. Ostensibly that was a short-term measure to stop a spam-storm. We will know more if those pages ever get restored

How Open is OpenStreetMap?

StreetMap yes, but I’m not too sure about the Open bit.

Consider the following:

  1. These Diary Pages are Closed Tight Shut
    The OSM admin unilaterally closed all Diary pages to the outside world on 18 May. Ostensibly that was a short-term measure to stop a spam-storm. We will know more if those pages ever get restored.
    The admin action means not only that no-one other than those that already know that there are Diary Pages can visit them, it also means that there is zero method of finding any specific page on this site, as there are zero internal search facilities. That is a dramatic problem, since a great many people have taken hours & hours to give large amounts of help for mappers via these pages, all of which is now invisible.

  2. The Map Pages are Closed Tight Shut
    There are millions & millions of OSM nodes, ways & relations within the Map accessed from, and not a single one is listed in any Search Engine. That is also a deliberate measure by the OSM admin although, unlike the Diary pages, it has been a feature for a great many years. It means that not a single one of the millions of Points of Interest (PoI) that have been entered by all of OSM’s mappers will ever be found by any general user. That raises a very important point:– is that what you want, and does it have to be that way?

  3. All Admin action appears to be Unilateral - Zero Consultation
    Apart from the website issues page, which only a few geeks will even know exists, there appears to be zero consultation between those that direct action on the site & the OSM community.
    No-one can know everything, and an open-source movement is supposed to provide a method for an additive process to be in place. Is that happening with OSM?

Новости из мира OpenStreetMap № 463 (28.05.2019-03.06.2019)

На Хабре вышел перевод очередного выпуска WeeklyOSM.

Обратите внимание на новость про редактор OSM от Facebook - это нечто. Не поленитесь и прочитайте саму статью.

На Хабре вышел перевод очередного выпуска WeeklyOSM.

Обратите внимание на новость про редактор OSM от Facebook - это нечто. Не поленитесь и прочитайте саму статью.




Aldono de brand:wikipedia – sennecesa kaj diskutinda funkcio de redaktilo iD

De ioma tempo la redaktilo iD provas unuigi vendejojn/punktojn de intereso de diversaj markoj, enkondukante la etikedojn brand, brand:wikidata kaj brand:wikipedia. La du unuaj estas necesaj, tamen la etikedo brand:wikipedia hazarde preskaŭ ĉiam ligas al angla Vikipedio.

La redaktilo markas punktojn sen Vikipedia-ligilo en tiu ĉi nedezirata lingvo kiel havantajn nekompletajn etikedojn: ♦

De ioma tempo la redaktilo iD provas unuigi vendejojn/punktojn de intereso de diversaj markoj, enkondukante la etikedojn brand, brand:wikidata kaj brand:wikipedia. La du unuaj estas necesaj, tamen la etikedo brand:wikipedia hazarde preskaŭ ĉiam ligas al angla Vikipedio.

La redaktilo markas punktojn sen Vikipedia-ligilo en tiu ĉi nedezirata lingvo kiel havantajn nekompletajn etikedojn: ♦ kaj instigas al amase ilin ripari: ♦

Mi volis protesti kontraŭ imperiisma angla lingvo kaj provis aldirekti kelkajn ligilojn de vestaj vendejoj al lingvo de lando, el kiu la firmao devenas: Ĉiuj miaj agoj estis blokitaj ĉe github/osmalb: ♦

Mi provis diskonigi la problemon pli supre: Miaj argumentoj estis troigitaj kaj parodiitaj:

“Se vi vere maltrankvilas pri angla hegemonio, mi rigardus ĉiujn OSM-etikedojn, ne ses vestaĵojn.”

Kutima uzanto de OSM ne devas scii etikedojn, pri ĉio zorgas redaktiloj kaj aliaj programoj.

Nuntempe (2019-06-09) la ĉefpaĝo de OSM eĉ ne ebligas klaki en brand:wikipedia (sed brand:wkidata funkcias): ekzemplo.

Ĉiuj viaj kodeksoj de konduto estas fek’ valoraj kaj algluitaj nur por bone aspekti.

Dodawanie brand:wikipedia – niepotrzebna i kontrowersyjna funkcja edytora iD

Od pewnego czasu edytor ID stara się ujednolicić sklepy/punkty usługowe różnych marek wprowadzając znaczniki brand, brand:wikidata i brand:wikipedia. U ile dwa pierwsze są konieczne to brand:wikipedia przypadkowo prowadzi prawie zawsze wersji angielskiej.

Edytor oznacza punkty bez odnośnika do Wikipedii w tym niefajnym języku jako mające niekompletne znaczniki: ♦ i zachęca do ich seryjne

Od pewnego czasu edytor ID stara się ujednolicić sklepy/punkty usługowe różnych marek wprowadzając znaczniki brand, brand:wikidata i brand:wikipedia. U ile dwa pierwsze są konieczne to brand:wikipedia przypadkowo prowadzi prawie zawsze wersji angielskiej.

Edytor oznacza punkty bez odnośnika do Wikipedii w tym niefajnym języku jako mające niekompletne znaczniki: ♦ i zachęca do ich seryjnego naprawiania: ♦

Chcąc zaprotestować przeciwko imperialistycznemu językowi angielskiemu przekierowałem kilka odnośników do brand:wikipedia na język kraju, z którego firma pochodzi: Skończyło się to blokadą wszelkich akcji na github/osmalb: ♦

Próbowałem nagłośnić problem nieco wyżej: Moje argumenty zostały przekręcone, jakobym chciał zmienić znaczniki w OSM:

„Jeśli naprawdę martwisz się o hegemonię angielską, przyjrzałbym się wszystkim tagom OSM, a nie sześciu sklepom odzieżowym.”

Przeciętny użytkownik nie musi znać tagów (po polsku znaczników), wszystko za niego robią edytory.

Obecnie (2019-06-09) strona główna OSM nawet nie pozwala kliknąć w brand:wikipedia (brand:wikidata działa): przykład.

Te wszystkie wasze kodeksy postępowania są uja warte i są wklejane tylko na pokaz.


I’m a newbie in mapping.

Very interesting experience and looking forward to making a difference in the world. As I am still learning if you feel to give me some hints I will appreciate. I’m saving my tasks, but I don’t see it on my profile, is it normal?

I’m a newbie in mapping.

Very interesting experience and looking forward to making a difference in the world. As I am still learning if you feel to give me some hints I will appreciate. I’m saving my tasks, but I don’t see it on my profile, is it normal?

Swiss OSM Association

OsmAnd 2.80 (iOS)

.blogimageblock img { max-width: 300px; padding: 10px; margin-top: 20px; margin-right: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; } .blogimageblock { margin: 30px auto 0; text-align: center; border-radius: 6px; background-color: #fafafa; border: 1px solid #e6e6e6; } OsmAnd 2.80 (iOS)June 09, 2019

OsmAnd 2.80 is now available!


We continue to follow our Ne

.blogimageblock img { max-width: 300px; padding: 10px; margin-top: 20px; margin-right: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; } .blogimageblock { margin: 30px auto 0; text-align: center; border-radius: 6px; background-color: #fafafa; border: 1px solid #e6e6e6; } OsmAnd 2.80 (iOS)June 09, 2019

OsmAnd 2.80 is now available!


We continue to follow our New Year’s resolutions, where we have promised to catch the iOS version of OsmAnd up with the one on Android, and we are getting there.

We're proud to have collaborated with Mapillary for the new release. Now you can view the street-level imagery in your location or anywhere in the world using the Mapillary in OsmAnd for iOS.


Using the widget on the map, you'll be able to view images or videos and even add your own. To view the images and videos, you'll have to go to 'Configure screen' menu and enable the 'Mapillary' layer.


Now you have access to an extensive database created by volunteers. To view media attached to a certain point on the map, just make a long tap there and open the context menu. You'll be able to scroll through images of the location easily.

Zoom in closer to view the images even more conveniently in a Mapillary window over your map. You can also press the white arrows to 'move' along the streets. To contribute to Mapillary, just press on the widget and take a picture.

♦♦What's more in the latest version of 2.80?

• Fixed city and postal code search.

• Improved performance of Hillshade and Contour Lines map rendering.

• Added Turkish TTS.

And remember that only together we can achieve the best results!

New features are coming SOON!

OsmAnd at Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit! Join us at our group of Telegram.


weeklyOSM 463

28/05/2019-03/06/2019 Multimapas – a combination of many historical, topographic, satellite and road maps 1 | © CC BY 4.0 – Instituto Geográfico Nacional de España | © Leaflet | map data © OpenStreetMap contributors Mapping The latest version of “How Did You Contribute” by Pascal Neis now uses osmose to display information about the quality […]


Multimapas – a combination of many historical, topographic, satellite and road maps 1 | © CC BY 4.0 – Instituto Geográfico Nacional de España | © Leaflet | map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

  • The latest version of “How Did You Contribute” by Pascal Neis now uses osmose to display information about the quality of the user’s edits.
  • Facebook’s Maps Team announced the RapiD Editor based on iD, which enables mappers to convert data they extracted using machine learning into OSM features.
  • WiGeoGIS, a contractor of the fuel station chain OMV, announced plans to improve and maintain fuel stations of the brands OMV, AVANTI, Petrom, FE Trading and EuroTruck in OSM. See also the discussion on the Talk mailing list (May, June).
  • Valor Naram put a revised version of changing_table=* tagging to a vote.
  • Developers of the navigator, which uses OSM data, created a validator for underground railways (subways/metros) all over the world.
  • Simon Poole made some suggestions on the Tagging mailing list on how to deal with the increasing number of messages and proposals there. There were lots of replies.
  • Recently the Kazakhstan OSM community created a Telegram chat.
OpenStreetMap Foundation
  • Joost Schouppe reports about the OSMF Board meeting in Brussels (including discussing the survey that was carried out beforehand) on the OSM Foundation’s blog.
  • OpenStreetMap Argentina announces a local State of the Map to be held on Saturday 27th July in Santa Fe.
Humanitarian OSM
  • HOT shares on their blog about an experimental version of the Tasking Manager which incorporates machine learning assistance for various tasks.
  • Simon Johnson writes on Medium about how “big data” in the humanitarian community is often at odds with the idea of “minimum viable data” – the idea that less data is actually more valuable because it’s better quality and easier to verify.
  • In Better Bombing with Machine Learning Frederik Ramm points out that computer vision/machine learning could be used by military forces for aerial bombing, and the OSM community should consider whether we should be so jubilant regarding companies that use those technologies for improving OSM.
  • Richard Fairhust tweets an example of using Lua to automatically transliterate names whilst processing OSM data for rendering. Post-processing OSM data in this way often removes the need for many name:<iso-code> tags.
  • The map of electoral districts on the website of the Magnitogorsk City (in Russia) is based on OSM.
  • A map of roads that are or will be repaired has been posted on the website of the Russian federal program “Safe and high-quality roads”. It is based on OSM but first you need to choose a region.
  • A new stable JOSM version (15155) was released. Category icons and a field for filtering background image settings have been added. Dynamic entries in the Background Images menu are displayed in submenus as well as many more improvements.
  • The OsmAnd Online GPS Tracker has been updated to version 0.5. New features are contact search, proxy settings, GPS settings and active markers.
  • Thanks to v2.0 of Babykarte, babies will not lose their way anymore. Or rather, it will become easier for parents to find baby and toddler friendly amenities (map).
Did you know …
  • OpenTrailView?
  • Javier Jiménez Shaw, a Spanish software engineer who lives and works in Berlin, has combined many historical, topographic, satellite and road maps (as we have mentioned here previously). He migrated the map page to Leaflet.
  • … the map of all uMap maps?
  • …that the Russian mapper Roman Shuvalov, with the help of the OSM, made a “Bicycle map of Samara Region” and developed a game called “Generation Streets“, which is available on Steam.
OSM in the media
  • This short podcast from BBC Radio 4 asks the question: are there more stars in the universe than grains of beach sand on Earth? A contributor to the programme, using the OSM Planet File, computed an approximation for the amount of beach sand on the planet Earth.
  • An interview with Russian mapper Ilya Zverev has been posted ♦ on Habr. He spoke about what he did during his two years on the OSMF Board, why the American OSM society is the most friendly and why you need to participate in offline conferences. (automatic translation)
Other “geo” things
  • How to make a Simpsons-inspired map with expressions.
  • John Murray has been using the recent release of Rapids AI, a data science library for GPUs, to compute distances to everywhere in Great Britain from a point in a few seconds.
  • An extract from a forthcoming book by Barbara Tversky discusses “What makes a good map?”
  • An outdoor clothing company has been sneakily adding photos of its products to Wikipedia articles, in an attempt to get their brand higher up in Google image results. Just another danger of an open wiki system that we must be aware of.
  • Daniel J-H announced the release of a new version of RoboSat, which can detect roads and buildings in aerial imagery.
  • Die Welt has an article (automatic translation) about the best apps for water sports enthusiasts.
Upcoming Events Where What When Country Rennes Réunion mensuelle 2019-06-10 ♦ Bordeaux Réunion mensuelle 2019-06-10 ♦ Lyon Rencontre mensuelle pour tous 2019-06-11 ♦ Salt Lake City SLC Mappy Hour 2019-06-11 ♦ Zurich OSM Stammtisch Zurich 2019-06-11 ♦ Bordeaux Réunion mensuelle 2019-06-11 ♦ Hamburg Hamburger Mappertreffen 2019-06-11 ♦ Wuppertal Wuppertaler Stammtisch im Hutmacher 18 Uhr 2019-06-12 ♦ Leoben Stammtisch Obersteiermark 2019-06-13 ♦ Munich Münchner Stammtisch 2019-06-13 ♦ Bochum Mappertreffen 2019-06-13 ♦ Berlin 132. Berlin-Brandenburg Stammtisch 2019-06-14 ♦ Montpellier State of the Map France 2019 2019-06-14-2019-06-16 ♦ Essen 5. OSM-Sommercamp und 12. FOSSGIS-Hackingevent im Linuxhotel 2019-06-14-2019-06-16 ♦ Kyoto 京都!街歩き!マッピングパーティ:第9回 光明寺 2019-06-15 ♦ Dublin OSM Ireland AGM & Talks 2019-06-15 ♦ Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Ca. Mapping Party 2019-06-15 California Cologne Bonn Airport Bonner Stammtisch 2019-06-18 ♦ Lüneburg Lüneburger Mappertreffen 2019-06-18 ♦ Sheffield Sheffield pub meetup 2019-06-18 ♦ Rostock Rostocker Treffen 2019-06-18 ♦ Karlsruhe Stammtisch 2019-06-19 ♦ London #geomob London 2019-06-19 ♦ Leoberdorf Leobersdorfer Stammtisch 2019-06-20 ♦ Rennes Préparer ses randos pédestres ou vélos 2019-06-23 ♦ Bremen Bremer Mappertreffen 2019-06-24 ♦ Angra do Heroísmo Erasmus+ EuYoutH_OSM Meeting 2019-06-24-2019-06-29 ♦ Salt Lake City SLC Map Night 2019-06-25 ♦ Montpellier Réunion mensuelle 2019-06-26 ♦ Lübeck Lübecker Mappertreffen 2019-06-27 ♦ Mannheim Mannheimer Mapathons e.V. 2019-06-27 ♦ Düsseldorf Stammtisch 2019-06-28 ♦ London OSMUK Annual Gathering including Wikidata UK Meets OSM 2019-06-29 ♦ Kyoto 幕末京都オープンデータソン#11:京の浪士と池田屋事件 2019-06-29 ♦ Santa Fe State of the Map Argentina 2019 2019-07-27 ♦ Minneapolis State of the Map US 2019 2019-09-06-2019-09-08 ♦ Edinburgh FOSS4GUK 2019 2019-09-18-2019-09-21 ♦ Heidelberg Erasmus+ EuYoutH_OSM Meeting 2019-09-18-2019-09-23 ♦ Heidelberg HOT Summit 2019 2019-09-19-2019-09-20 ♦ Heidelberg State of the Map 2019 (international conference) 2019-09-21-2019-09-23 ♦ Grand-Bassam State of the Map Africa 2019 2019-11-22-2019-11-24 ♦

Note: If you like to see your event here, please put it into the calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM. Please check your event in our public calendar preview and correct it, where appropriate.

This weeklyOSM was produced by Polyglot, Rogehm, SK53, Silka123, SomeoneElse, TheFive, TheSwavu, YoViajo, derFred, geologist, jinalfoflia.

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

Micro mapping

Micro mapping brings a lot of fun. After hours and hours tracing roads and analysing surveys for shops and services, one can relax about by micro-mapping. How can we do it? - micro Mapping can be done by beautifying the maps. This includes adding more “colours” into the maps, by enriching it with nature. - add more parks, nature reserves, rivers and trees into it. - Be creative: add more types o

Micro mapping brings a lot of fun. After hours and hours tracing roads and analysing surveys for shops and services, one can relax about by micro-mapping. How can we do it? - micro Mapping can be done by beautifying the maps. This includes adding more “colours” into the maps, by enriching it with nature. - add more parks, nature reserves, rivers and trees into it. - Be creative: add more types of items (as many of possible), and arrange them in the same way as they look like in reality. For example, when drawing a park, make sure lawns and trees are visible. For footpaths, instead of drawing a red-dotted line (highway=footway), draw each of them as highway=pedestrian with area=yes. - Use relations to show items that lie within other items.

In the sample below, I have mapped the park areas surrounding the statue of President Ho Chi Minh in Nguyen Hue Boulevard, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City. This park has been re-designed in 2015 after the establishment of the Nguyen Hue Square.


♦ Before micro-mapping

♦ After micro-mapping

Saturday, 08. June 2019

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

Servus, Bayern: The robots are coming!

Servus, Bayern! After releasing robosat v1.2 I trained it on 80cm aerial imagery to predict all buildings in Bavaria. tl;dr - here you can find the checkpoint ready to use.

Robosat is an open source end-to-end pipeline for feature extraction from aerial and satellite imagery seamlessly integrating with OpenStreetMap for automated dataset creation.

I downloaded the CC-BY-3.0 80cm

Servus, Bayern! After releasing robosat v1.2 I trained it on 80cm aerial imagery to predict all buildings in Bavaria. tl;dr - here you can find the checkpoint ready to use.

Robosat is an open source end-to-end pipeline for feature extraction from aerial and satellite imagery seamlessly integrating with OpenStreetMap for automated dataset creation.

I downloaded the CC-BY-3.0 80cm aerial imagery from 2018 for Bavaria the Bayerische Vermessungsverwaltung provides. I then used the open source robosat v1.2 release to automatically create a training and validation dataset and trained it on my gpu rig. Within days we already get reasonable results without manual work involved.

For detailed instructions on how to create a dataset and run the robosat pipeline see my previous diary where I explain the process on drone imagery.

Here is a heatmap of all the z17 tiles in Bavaria where there are buildings

And here are two examples for the segmentation probabilities I get

In the second image there are buildings in OpenStreetMap but not in the predictions. This is due to the aerial imagery showing construction sites where there are now buildings.

I released the trained checkpoint here which allows you to

  • efficiently predict buildings on your laptop; we provide pre-build docker images for robosat v1.2 to make this a single command

  • use the checkpoint when training your own models on your gpus so that you only have to fine-tune the model and will reach solid results earlier and easier

As usual I’m happy to hear your feedback; hit me up be it in comments here, on Github tickets, or in the robosat channel in the osmus or thespatialcommunity slack.

Quando sera minha edição 6K?

Estou hesitante, afinal é uma marca considerável para quem só usa o iD editor. Verdade que dei uma desacelerada recente no OSM, pois estou colaborando com outras plataformas que uso, como Waze, Here e mesmo o Google, e também preferindo editar estradas rurais no OSM.

Vamos ver.

Estou hesitante, afinal é uma marca considerável para quem só usa o iD editor. Verdade que dei uma desacelerada recente no OSM, pois estou colaborando com outras plataformas que uso, como Waze, Here e mesmo o Google, e também preferindo editar estradas rurais no OSM.

Vamos ver.

Friday, 07. June 2019

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

meu primeiro diario #1

mas um trabalho concluido , dia perfeito para mapear ruas nada melhor em um dia perfeito em busca da perfeição

mas um trabalho concluido , dia perfeito para mapear ruas nada melhor em um dia perfeito em busca da perfeição


Быстрее загружай

Возможно, вы заметили, что правки передаются на сервер быстрее. Или не заметили, потому что это не особенно тормозило и раньше. На прошлой неделе код сайта, Rails Port, отстранили от ещё одной части API: загрузки пакетов правок. Ваши пакеты теперь обрабатывает Cgimap.

Cgimap — это программа на C++, которая обрабатывает часть запросов к OSM API. Сайт написан на Ruby on Rails, п

Возможно, вы заметили, что правки передаются на сервер быстрее. Или не заметили, потому что это не особенно тормозило и раньше. На прошлой неделе код сайта, Rails Port, отстранили от ещё одной части API: загрузки пакетов правок. Ваши пакеты теперь обрабатывает Cgimap.

Cgimap — это программа на C++, которая обрабатывает часть запросов к OSM API. Сайт написан на Ruby on Rails, поэтому каждый запрос к нему проходит через длинную цепочку обработчиков, не всегда оптимальную. Кроме того, передача данных от базы к клиенту в Rails требует много памяти и задействует сборщик мусора, который напрягает систему. Поэтому запрос /map на скачивание данных был переписан на C++ ещё в 2009 году.

Предполагается, что если появится API 0.7, то он целиком будет сделан внутри Cgimap. Мы давно хотим отвязать API от кода сайта, чтобы дневнички и интерактивная карта остались в Rails Port, а запросы к базе были отдельно. Но работа не кипит, скрипт обрабатывает лишь малую часть запросов. Сложным барьером была поддержка авторизации OAuth, но в 2016 году Мэтт Эймос, главный разработчик Cgimap, её сделал. В мае 2018 Mmd приступил и написал обработчик второго по количеству перекачиваемых данных запроса: /upload для отправки пакетов правок на сервер. Только в начале этого года у разработчиков дошли руки подчистить концы, отрефакторить и приступить к тестированию.

Второго марта бета-версию Cgimap 0.7.0 (это версия программы, не API) подключили к, 28 марта тестирование закончилось и версию отправили в репозитории. Но у Тома, как водится, руки дошли подключить только после третьего напоминания. Пара дней ушла на настройку доступа к базе данных, и с 28 мая пакеты правок обрабатываются сервером быстрее, особенно большие. Поскольку это первый запрос, на котором Cgimap требует аутентификации, в ней нашлись несколько проблем, которые поправили в трёх версиях Cgimap за три дня.

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

Интервью с Еленой Балашовой

Год назад администрация Тольятти перевела почти все свои интернет-ресурсы на лицензию Creative Commons Attribution, а данные своего ГИС-портала персонально разрешила использовать сообществу OpenStreetMap. Почему они решили это сделать, отчего чиновники боятся открытых данных и как лучше всего добиваться их получения — обо всем этом в интервью рассказала руководитель департамента информационных т

Год назад администрация Тольятти перевела почти все свои интернет-ресурсы на лицензию Creative Commons Attribution, а данные своего ГИС-портала персонально разрешила использовать сообществу OpenStreetMap. Почему они решили это сделать, отчего чиновники боятся открытых данных и как лучше всего добиваться их получения — обо всем этом в интервью рассказала руководитель департамента информационных технологий и связи администрации г.о. Тольятти Елена Балашова.

Wednesday, 05. June 2019

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

A little shop contact page ...with OpenStreetMap

A rare thing happened with some shop mapping I was doing just now. I was adding “HOM Concept” from my Mapillary view out of a bus window. I looked up the website of the shop …and look! OpenStreetMap!

Actually it might be the first time I’ve ever come across a contact page for a small London shop (just a few branches) as I was mapping, and found an OpenStreetMap map.


A rare thing happened with some shop mapping I was doing just now. I was adding “HOM Concept” from my Mapillary view out of a bus window. I looked up the website of the shop …and look! OpenStreetMap!

Actually it might be the first time I’ve ever come across a contact page for a small London shop (just a few branches) as I was mapping, and found an OpenStreetMap map.

I have noticed OSM maps popping up around the web more and more lately. That’s something I’ve always pondered ways of encouraging, dreaming up quite a few different angles on the challenge of attracting web developers to use OpenStreetMap, but I guess it’s predictable that the thing which really shifts them off google maps is google maps themselves, as they start getting more strict with charging for high traffic.

I find it significant to see something like the HOM concept website using OpenStreetMap because it’s a very small organisation. I guess they will have paid somebody to do a quick web-design job for them, and that somebody has chosen to quickly do the map with OpenStreetMap, which is great to see! Also great to see not-the-standard OpenStreetMap tiles, both from a tile usage policy point of view (We want web developers to get maps from a diverse range of tile servers, not always hitting one central OSMF hosted server) and because the choice of a black ‘n’ white style (wmflabs tile server) with a yellow marker fits rather well with their colour scheme.

There’s a few not so great things. Some folks will have already spotted the lack of OpenStreetMap credits. In fact they seem to have accidentally covered them up with a black box. It only happens if the browser is wider than 1060px actually. Otherwise the layout is completely different and the normal credits appear on there. This black box is some weird scroll progress bar widget which seems a bit pointless. So that’s annoying, but we know people make mistakes like that. What else?…

Call me a stickler, but I feel a contact page map marker really should point at the right place… like really… I find it quite unfathomable that someone would put together a map for users to find a business, and then put the pointer in the wrong place! And yet I’ve seen it a lot. One cause I’ve noticed is that some google map widgets can be set-up, not with coordinates, but with a geocode happening every time on an address or postcode, which obviously might then be a little off (even so, you’d think the web developer would notice this and think maybe it’s something they ought to find a way to fix). That’s not the case here. They’ve just coded coordinates in the wrong place. Should be more like 51.58697/-0.10138.

But while we’re looking at the marker position, d’you notice something else funny about it? This is another thing I notice web developers getting wrong a lot. Never with google maps. Always with leaflet. I’d like to say it’s only a mistake made by novice web map developers, but I had to point out and fix the same mistake on the map marker of the State Of The Map website last year. Is nobody else noticing this? Well maybe I’ll leave that as a puzzle for you, because I think it deserves it’s own separate blog post.

It’s fun to grumble about other people’s web map mistakes. But it’s more fun when people mess up using google maps. On the whole my primary message to “HOM Concept” web designer would be… “Yay! OpenStreetMap!”

Extreme SEO on kills both Spam & OSM

Oh Dear, Oh Dear, Oh Dear

No-one can hear you weep at the bottom of the Abyssal Plain

The OSM Admin have succeeded in killing off the recent floods of spam from within these Diary pages. They have killed that disease by killing the patient.

On 18 May 2019 at 10:05 TomH said:–

Personally at this point I am inclined to just close down the diarie

Oh Dear, Oh Dear, Oh Dear

No-one can hear you weep at the bottom of the Abyssal Plain

The OSM Admin have succeeded in killing off the recent floods of spam from within these Diary pages. They have killed that disease by killing the patient.

On 18 May 2019 at 10:05 TomH said:–

Personally at this point I am inclined to just close down the diaries - they are not core to our service and should probably never have been implemented

TomH is the Admin on this site and is thus given the ability to implement site-wide changes.

On the same day (18 May) TomH unilaterally implemented a broken commit to robots.txt (fixed 19 May) which intentionally killed the Diaries by preventing any Search Engine from listing a single page. You can write anything that you like here now, because no-one will ever read it. ♦

Notice also (below) that all nodes, ways & relations in the map have been blocked, so no PoI will ever be found via a Google search. Frankly, there seems little reason to add to the map, either.

I pointed out a broken link within robots.txt here on 5 June and, in the same unilateral manner, that was immediately fixed by gravitystorm. Another update was made to the same file on Thu, 06 Jun 2019 17:07:41 GMT as that update was post-allocated to a 4-year-old issue, and below is the current file:–

$ wget -S
$ cat robots.txt
User-agent: *
Disallow: /user/*/diary
Disallow: /user/*/traces/
Allow: /user/
Disallow: /traces/tag/
Disallow: /traces/page/
Disallow: /api/
Disallow: /edit
Disallow: /browse
Disallow: /diary
Disallow: /login
Disallow: /geocoder
Disallow: /history
Disallow: /message
Disallow: /trace/
Disallow: /*lat=
Disallow: /*node=
Disallow: /*way=
Disallow: /*relation=


The “Disallow: /user/*/diary” line above means that in the approx. 1,100,000 current results for “a” on google there is not a single result for a Diary page; the results are almost all wiki pages, with a sprinkling of help, blog, etc pages.

The OSM robots.txt deliberately causes most of to be de-listed in Google, including all of the Map. The number of results shown is also bouncing about in an erratic manner (I first ran the search above ~6 hours ago and there were 600,000 pages available).

So remember, the next time that you upload some PoI or important map updates to this site, that OSM will immediately drop them the 7 miles to rest, unseen & unloved, upon the vastness of the Abyssal Plain. There they will rest for computer eternity, unseen by humans or bots, unless you make a special point to go and see them. And do do that, because no-one else will, because no-one else can ever find them, no matter how hard they seek for them, because they no longer exist within the Google nor Bing nor any other computer universe other than Nominatum. And who uses that?

(The information above was discovered during writing an ordinary post for these Diaries. I have rewritten this post as the info above is far more important than the original post. The rest of the original post now continues, although with the info above removed)

• SEO == “Search Engine Optimisation”
  (this is almost always a euphemism for “SPAM”)

    Between 25 Apr & 23 May
    (29 days):
              Diary Posts
            Human      Spam
            -----   -------
    Total  :  124   320,272
    Per day:    4    11,044

2 things have prompted this diary post:

  1. A whole series of posts from me about recent Spam Attacks
    → OSM is now within an iteration of spam-bot software (such as XRumer)
    → How to Stop the Spam-Storm
    → Recent Spam Attacks
    → Behold Cassandra
  2. A conversation yesterday with the lady at AST Auto Centre
    I could not be certain either from my original visit nor from our Bing imagery whether some central buildings were occupied by the Ashley St Auto Centre or by a business on the opposite side of the block on Handel Street, so phoned the number on the business card that the lady at AST had given me on 17 May. It was yesterday (4 June) so I did not expect her to remember me but she did, and mentioned the little leaflet that I had given her.
    I quickly sorted the original reason for the call (AST occupies those buildings), but as soon as I mentioned OSM she immediately responded about the number of enquiries that the business gets via Google maps (I had never mentioned Google). I brightly informed her that the updated mapping should be available within the next hour.

In a former life as a website owner & operator I spent my time fighting to keep spam out of my site forums + trying to keep the site firmly within Google’s gaze. Whilst many spammers are profoundly stupid, it was not lost on me that there is some fierce intelligence at play behind the entire spam business, else they would have long ago dissolved into the void. I was not too proud to learn from these experts where I could find it, at the same time as I did my best to kill them dead on my site. I attempt to put all the SEO intelligence that I have gathered into practical application with these diary posts, as one example, making them as attractive as possible firstly to the human readers but also to the bots operated by the SEs. If both find them attractive then OSM wins again.

I was very interested in the response from the lady at AST. It was the first time that I had had such positive feedback on the idea of OSM, and it seemed a good endorsement of both the promotional leaflets and also of OSM.

I’ve spent 30-odd years of my life as a professional salesman, and therefore it often colours my approach to things. With OSM it was immediately obvious that the map is a boon for every business — what a marketing opportunity! I therefore work tirelessly to promote every business that I meet during my surveys. (For newer mappers: in OSM-speak these businesses are called ‘PoI’, which is to say “Points of Interest”) I collect Business Cards/Compliment Slips/Brochures whilst mapping so that back at home all of the business’s most important contact information can be put up on the map. If the OSM map is an easily-referenced source of information for most businesses, then it will become very interesting for the common customer, which is good for customers, good for businesses, and good for OSM. The kind of virtuous circle that we need.

Public Service Information:– Business Cards, Compliment Slips, Brochures

For the benefit of younger mappers, since I’ve often had folks telling me that they do not know what I’m talking about when I’ve asked for one of these items:–

Business Cards
These are dead trees processed into stiff paper (ask your teachers if you are unfamiliar with the idea of paper) and then printed with the business, personal name of the business owners + address & contact numbers. They are intended to be given to other people during personal meetings to facilitate marketing promotion of the business. Please approach your health professional if you have been triggered by the idea of a one-on-one personal meeting, but this is actually quite normal during business life.

Compliment Slips
These are dead trees processed into (typically) a ⅓ of an A4 sheet of paper (ask your teachers if you are unfamiliar with the idea of paper) and then pre-printed — normally on just one side — with the name, address & other contact details of the business. They are intended to be placed into the same envelope as a letter. Ask your teachers if you are unfamiliar with the idea of an envelope or a postal-letter.

These are dead trees processed into (typically) a series of A5 sheets of paper (ask your teachers if you are unfamiliar with the idea of paper) and folded (brochures) or bound (booklets) after pre-printing with information about the business & it’s activities.

I can hear you grumbling about the lack of SEO info on so far, so let’s get to that.

(removed material)

The -S parameter to wget gives us a readout of the server headers sent together with the file. Thankfully static files like robots.txt get a Last-Modified header in addition to a strong ETag directly via the Apache web-server, which means that content-negotiation will work well. These Diary pages get neither on supply, which means that you may miss updated pages and/or have to re-download unchanged pages. I was fixing this in PHP 15 years ago (update to Conteg v0.13.13 here), so there is little reason this far into the new millenium not to get this right.

Here is the current file; there are some odd Extreme SEO decisions here (see code for robots.txt above)

The OSM server setup is a work of genius, and the Admin & Mods clearly know their business, and yet, and yet … too often I look at some of their decisions and think to myself “have you lost your marbles?”. The conclave that has set itself up under GitHub comments too often sounds like an echo-chamber, in which the participants brook little argument and get hostile when questioned by outsiders. That is a sure sign of narcissism, but what are we supposed to do? Shine a light on the issue & write critical diaries is, I guess, all that we can do.

The main problem comes with the sitemap, which has a whoopsie
(a 404 Not Found fixed today not by fixing the dead-link, but by removing that link from robots.txt)

That single mistake will have caused this entire site to have plunged in the Google rankings (been there, done that - it always takes twice as long to get back as it does to drop; Google is as unforgiving as the OSM admin).

(removed material)

In OSM We have an Inside-Out Microsoft

I always thought that Micro$oft was a company with incredibly good programmers, but ruined by being led by the Marketing Department. Now sure, they made some truly stupid decisions — their Windows’ command-line is the best example of that — but on balance the company was excellent. It is just that they always deserved that $ in their name.

OSM can not be blamed for making the Micro$oft mistake, no sir. The OSM affair is led by geeks who have zero understanding of what their customers want & need. Indeed, they do not WANT to know or ever have to give such a notion headspace.

This all does my head in; it is difficult to carry on when involved with folks with such odd ideas. “Hiding your light under a bushel” is one thing, but burying it at the bottom of the Abyssal Plain is another notion altogether.

Tuesday, 04. June 2019

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

Imagery on the P-1 National Highway, and So On

Not quite the last hurrah, but close. With three weeks left in Turkmenistan, Ann and I went to Koneurgench to see the marvelous architectural monuments, to the Dashoguz American Corner to give presentations (mine was on the Apollo 11 moon landing and U.S. space program; Ann’s was on White House chinaware). While moving around, we of course collected geodata and imagery.

We had a couple

Not quite the last hurrah, but close. With three weeks left in Turkmenistan, Ann and I went to Koneurgench to see the marvelous architectural monuments, to the Dashoguz American Corner to give presentations (mine was on the Apollo 11 moon landing and U.S. space program; Ann’s was on White House chinaware). While moving around, we of course collected geodata and imagery.

We had a couple of spare hours during the return, so we went north up the P-1 highway past Ruhubelent to cover a section never before imaged (I will upload the Mapillary imagery after returning to the United States this month, where the Internet is much faster). The road was horrible! It took an hour and a quarter to go 50 kilometers, and at times we drove on the sand because it was smoother than the broken asphalt. Upon return to Ashgabat I logged into OSM and downgraded the P-1 north of Ruhubelent from trunk road to tertiary road. We identified several villages and other POIs, corrected one mistagged object (it was not a residential area, it was a cotton yard), and so on.

Here is a sight from Koneurgench: ♦